Вітаємо Кузьменка Єгора

Вітаємо Кузьменка Єгора,

учня 10 класу з перемогою (диплом другого ступеня) на ІІІ етапі Всеукраїнського конкурсу-захисту науково-дослідницьких робіт учнів-членів Малої академії наук України (ПСИХОЛОГІЯ), відділення: хімії та біології. Науковий керівник: Чистенко Інна Григорівна. Бажаємо подальших успіхів!!!

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Вітаємо Сахно Тетяну

Вітаємо Сахно Тетяну,

ученицю 11 класу з перемогою (диплом третього ступеня) на ІІІ етапі Всеукраїнського конкурсу-захисту науково-дослідницьких робіт учнів-членів Малої академії наук України, відділення: економіки, секція: економічна теорія та історія економічної думки. Науковий керівник: Наровлянський О.І.. Бажаємо подальших успіхів!!!

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26 квітня – чудовий день для нових вражень вирішили учні, що мають плани по створенню шкільного ТВ!!! Перший пробний сюжет  зняли за участі учнів початкової школи (4б клас) та учнів групи продовженого дня (3 кл.). Допомогу в проведенні зйомок надали адміністрація школи, вчителі та шкільна психологічна служба. Навчитись мистецтву зйомки під керівництвом фахівця-відеооператора ми запросили  всіх бажаючих. Учні-журналісти ставили запитання щодо майбутньої ДПА, уподобань та захоплень учнів молодших класів. Творча атмосфера та бажання продовжувати роботу над проектом об’єднали всіх присутніх.

School №12

School №12 is very big and not very old. It’s located in Dotsenko 22  street. The school was founded in 1986 and nowadays it’s the best school in Chernihiv.

On the ground floor there are several classrooms for the Primary School, a library, a canteen and a headmaster’s office. In the library you can find lots of useful information, copy four files and read exciting books. Besides, we have big workshop with a great number of machines to work with wood or steel.

On the first and second floors we have classes for basic and senior students. There are a lot of language, mathematic and physic studies with different equipment.

Our school has mathematical and physical slant, that’s why we have 7-8 hours of mathematics and 5-6 hours of physics. Studing in school №12 includes optional courses, variety of sports clubs and groups for interests.

School №12 has a great number of well educated, intelligent teachers. 13% of the teachers are also Methodists. They provide more general and deep education.

All in all, our school gives the best education in Chernihiv.

Berkunov Vitaliy 10-B

День цивільного захисту 15.04.2016р.


З метою пропаганди знань про цивільний захист і підняття престижу національних рятувальних служб у школі був проведений День Цивільного захисту.

Давайте згадаємо, що ж таке цивільний захист? Це певна система різноманітних заходів з підготовки до захисту і безпосередньо з самого захисту населення, матеріальних і культурних цінностей від небезпек, які виникають при проведенні військових дій, а також при виникненні надзвичайних ситуацій техногенного та природного характеру.

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Good school

We spend a lot of time at school. That’s why it’s important to make staying there more comfortable. Our school is rather new and located in a nice residential area. It’s a 3-storey building. The school stands in a large yard and is surrounded by trees and flowerbeds.

We have a football-pitch, a racetrack, a canteen, two gyms, a swimming pool and the assembly hall, which is quite large. We also have several workshops for girls and boys separately. There is a good library, computer class with modern equipment.

In general, I’d like to admit that the atmosphere in our school is friendly. Some students tend to be noisy, but cheerful; they are always ready to help each other.

It’s not a secret that our school is a mathematical one. Besides it considered to be one of the best schools in our city. That’s why if you want to be a student here, you have to work hard.

I must confess that our school years are extremely interesting and unforgettable.

Alexanda Kmet 10-B

My school

Nowday there is no doubt that education plays an important role in our lifes.I’ve happy to study at school number 12.Our school is a school with extensive learning of Math and Physies.It’s lockated in Dozenko Str.Although,our school was built nearly 28 years ago,it has modern equipment .Young students have beautifully decorated classrooms with LCD TVs and computers.Older students study in specialized rooms or labs .We have these rooms for languages ,history,biology and labs for chemistry and physies.There are several IT rooms with modern computers and the internet conection .There is a library and 2 gyms.There are all modern facilities for studing in my school.
  However,I think that only friendly atmosphere and relationship between the students and teachers make it a good place to study.Good teachers ,encourage students to study and all of them work hard.
  So,modern facilities,shillful teachers and delligent students make our school unique.
Ann Opanasenko 10-B

Karpenko Volodymyr,8-V

I’d like to share some more facts about our school with you.As you know ,it was built in 1986 and so we are going to celebrate the 30th aniversary this year. It’snot the secret that there are many famous school-leavers and students in our school,for example : 26 students of our school have passed the entrance exams with the maximal results since 2008; since our school have started studying its students ,26 of them have won 39 diplomas on the fourth final stage of the All-Ukranian subject Olympiads.What is more,many of our  students and school-leavers are rather succesful sportsmen like Elena Kostevych,Olga Skrypak,Erko Myhail and Sergei Romanchuk.
Anyway,my sister was studying in our school,too.She left it few  years ago.My sister passed the exams rather well and entered Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv.Now she is studying in one of the best universities of China and gets $400 as scholarship.
So if you study well in our school you’ll have a lot of opportunities in your future because our teachers are the best at their work.

Karpenko Volodymyr,8-V

School №12

School №12 was founded in 1986 in Chernihiv, Ukraine and was the symbol of the friendship of Ukraine and Byelorussia. The first director of this school was Stelmah Volodimir Andriyovich, and he has been director for 14 years. In 1989, one of the first in the city, the school started studying in the Ukrainian language. In 1998-1999, school was reorganized into specialized school of Physics and Mathematics profile.

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